Friday, February 17, 2012

Cannon's Hand

Cannon burned his hand on the dishwasher. You know the black metal thing in the bottom of the dishwasher - the one that gets really, really hot? Cannon decided to check it out. It wasn't his best call. Sometimes 2 year olds make errors in judgement. So, we made a midnight run to the Emergency Room. They bandaged him up and referred us to the Burn Center. He couldn't have surgery because he has a cold, so they covered his wound with "donated" skin and we'll go back next week and see if he needs a skin graft at that point. In the meantime, we've got to keep his bandage clean and dry, so I bought some cloth diaper fabric and I'm going to attempt to use my non-existent sewing skills to construct a waterproof bandage cover. Without a pattern. Or a basic knowledge of simple sewing procedures. I know how to turn on the sewing machine and wonder why all the thread is bunching up with lots of loops and craziness all over the place. Hopefully it will turn out as sleek and fantastic as I envision it in my head.

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